Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Learning Curve

Yesterday Vicki, Pam and I worked again on the greenhouse. After we sorted all the structural parts and put into piles. Pam and I built an end wall together in a record two hours. We also put together four roof vents and they went together easily. Pam is so cool, she is so proud of herself at building something. She had never done anything like this before. She was our champion screwdriver - putting all the connectors in the roof vents. We then turned the page to see what the next steps were and were boggled by the complex directions.
There is no writing on the directions as the structure was made in China - just picture diagrams that are not rendered in a lot of detail. It took us about four tries to finally get the last pieces on the end wall but we finally did it!

Went to "The Lodge" - a restaurant here in town for an early dinner. Had a coupon good for buy one get one free, so we feasted after all our building energies were spent. Will get back at the project the day after Christmas and will attack the mind boggling page when we are fresh. Will take some more pictures and post them next Wednesday.

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