Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kitty and the cat grass

Jo-Jo and his newly eaten cat grass
The herbs in the greenhouse are just about ready. Thought I'd trial the cat grass on my buddy Jo-Jo. As soon as I got it home he decimated it - pruning every leaf down to a nubbin!

Will be setting up with herbs, houseplants, dried flowers and various other things at the Oakland County Farmers Market on Saturday, March 16, 2013, from 8-2. Also hope to bring a few bags of greens to be able to sell. Will certainly have nasturtium leaves and flowers. Picked a bag of nasturtium leaves tonight and I am going to try a "Nasturtium Pesto" - packed nasturtium leaves, olive oil, garlic, walnuts and parmesan. I don't know what I'll use it on, maybe some pasta, some veg or a sandwich. I'll try it and then post the recipe here.

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